Friday, March 1, 2013

Mumbo & Jive Buzzkill Fridays

Note: Each Friday, Mumbo & Jive seeks to get your weekend started off wrong by posting a total bummer right as you are getting ready to go out, each and every Friday evening.

Welcome once again to our weekly feature, Mumbo & Jive presents: Buzzkill Fridays. This edition is a special treat--Brian and Zay voted in favor of the domestic violence photo essay, while The Conman and Jake backed the modern slavery film. As MB abstained (not something he frequently does), the final decision was up to me.

As chief executive editor of Mumbo & Jive (a title bestowed to the person who posts nearly 100% of posts for the last three years), I decided to post both! I'm the chief executive editor, I do have that kind of power. So, to kill your buzz this weekend:

Shane & Maggie



  1. Note from the editor: this post has been edited from a prior version to correctly reflect the fact that MB has a lot of sex.
